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1: 175g unsalted butter, softened, plus a little more for greasing the tin (8 inch one or two)
2: 175g self-raising flour
3: 1 tsp baking powder
4: 3 eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten
5: 175g golden caster sugar
6: 1tsp vanilla extract
7: milk 1 to 2 tbs (if required)
For the Filling:
1: 150ml whipping cream
2: 4-5tbsp raspberry or strawberry jam
3: Icing sugar for dusting





    1: Preheat the oven to 350f, 180c, gas mark 4 .

    2: You can choose to cook this cake either in a 1 x 20cm sandwich tin or in 2 x 20cm sandwich tins; then line the bases with discs of baking parchment. If you just use 1 tin, line the sides with a 7cm-high collar of baking parchment as well, to allow for the rise. Grease the tin or tins.
    3: For this batter, you can use an electric mixer and beater attachment; or use a food processor; or a bowl and an electric whisk if you want.
    4: Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl, then add the butter, sugar and beat till gets smooth (4 minutes) the beat the eggs in a bowl and add little at a time and beat with the sugar and butter then add vanilla. Now add the flour mixture beat (or fold) together until thoroughly blended, taking care not to over-mix so you will have a light sponge (IF THE BATTER IS TO THICK CAN ADD MILK 1 OT 2 TBS). Scrape the batter into the tin or tins and level the top.
    5: Bake for 20-25 minutes if you are using 2 tins, or 30-35 minutes for 1 tin, until the cake springs back to the touch or a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
    6: Remove from the oven and leave for a couple of minutes, then run a knife around the rim to loosen the cake from the tin and turn out on to a wire rack. Peel off the paper and leave until completely cool.
    7: Lightly whip the cream until just thickened into soft peaks. If you have baked the cake in 1 tin, split in half horizontally with a serrated knife. Fill with jam and cream and sandwich together, with the cream forming the uppermost layer. If you have baked the cake in 2 tins, sandwich the flat bases together. Dust the top with icing sugar.
    8: serve and enjoy.
    By Faiza Zarif
    (Cook With Faiza)

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