cook with faiza pasta
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Pizza Pasta Casserole

Cooking Temp: 180  C



  1. heat oil in a pan & add onions, and fresh garlic to make it soft.
  2. then add the mince, crushed black pepper, crushed red chillies, salt & sugar mix well, and cook on high flame till the mince is cooked well.
  3. once the mince is cooked add the vegetables and cook on high flame till there is no water.
  4. then add the pasta sauce and wait for a boil cover and cook on medium flame till the sauce gets a little thick.
  5. in a separate bowl add cream cheese and whisk it add the sour cream and cottage cheese mix well and keep aside.
  6. preheat the oven 15 min before baking, on gas mark 4, 350 f, 180 c.
  7. in an oven-proof tray first layer the mince then the boiled pasta, then the mince layer, then the cream cheese, cottage cheese, and sour cream mix on the top, the pasta and the mince cover with foil and bake it for 25 min.
  8. after baking for 25 min cover it, take it out, and top it with cheddar cheese, salami, black olives & oregano, now bake it for a further 20 min (uncovered) till the cheese gets golden.
  9. serve hot
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