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1: 170g chocolate (60% cacao)

2: mini cupcake liners



1: 130g bittersweet chocolate

2: 2 large egg yolks

3: 2 tbs powder sugar

4: 1&1/2 tbs water

5: 1 cup double cream

6: 1/4 almond meal

7: 2 tbs vanilla essences


  1. Chocolate Cup:

    1: melt chocolate in a double boiler till completely melted.

    2: then spoon in 2 ts in the mini cup liners and brush on the sides but do not forget the bottom leave enough for the base and keep it in the cupcake tray and freeze for 30 minutes.

    3: take out from the freezer, spoon in the melted chocolate, brush the sides, and freeze it until it hardens.

    4: then peel the paper liners off and keep in the freezer till required.



    1: melt the chocolate in a double boiler.

    2: Place the egg yolks, sugar, and water whisk them, then place them on the double boiler and cook the eggs while whisking along till look thick for 6 minutes.

    3: then remove it from the double boiler use an electric hand whisk and beat for a further 3 minutes.

    4: then add the egg to the melted chocolate and mix well, add the almond, and vanilla mix again keep aside.

    5: beat the cream till gets thick.

    6: add the cream to the egg and chocolate mixture slowly and fold til combined.

    7: now add the mousse in a piping bag fill the cups and sprinkle a little crushed almond.

    8: serve and enjoy.

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