1: rice 6tbs (washed & soaked in water for 2 hours)
2: almonds 200g (boiled &skin off)
3: sugar 1&1/2 cup
4: khoya 400g ( or ready-made )
5: pistachio 10 to 15 (sliced)
6: almonds 10 to 12 (skin off and sliced)
7: milk 4 liters
8: green cardamom powder 1 tsp
1: in a large pot add milk and heat it.
2: blend the soaked rice with a little water.
3: add the ground rice to the milk and cook on low to medium flame till the rice is cooked and gets a little thick.
4: blend the almonds with a little milk to a paste and keep aside.
5: When the rice in the milk is cooked then add the sugar and cook for 5 to 8 minutes on low to medium flame.
6: then add the ground almond paste mix and also add the khoya (leave a little for garnishing) mix well and cook for 10 to 15 minutes on low to medium flame till gets thick.
7: now close the flame add cardamom powder mix well.
8: garnish it with pistachio, almonds, and khoya.
9: leave to cool and serve.