Difficulty: Intermediate
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Difficulty: Intermediate
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


For Marination:

1: beef steaks 1200g (4, & each needs to be 300g I used tenderloin)

2: hp sauce 2 tbsp

3: oil 2tbsp

4: garlic paste 1 tbsp

5: mustard paste or powder 1 tsp

6: Worcestershire sauce 4 tbsp

7: fresh crushed black pepper 1 tsp

8: salt 1 tsp


Pepper Corn sauce:

1: plain flour 2 tbsp

2: water 1 cup

3: milk 1 cup

4: oil 2 tsp

5: unsalted butter 1 tbsp

6: salt 1 tsp

7: fresh crushed black pepper 1 tsp

8: hp sauce 1 tbsp

9: sugar 1 tsp


Serving Suggestion:

1: onion 1 large (cut in rings)

2: mix vegetable 3 cups (boiled with pinch of salt)

3: unsalted butter 1 tbsp

4: fresh crushed black pepper 1/2 tsp

5: salt 1/2 tsp

6: Mash Potato 



    1: marinate the steaks with the ingredients under marination, cover, and keep aside for 1 hour.

    2: in a pan melt butter, and oil adds plain flour, salt, sugar, and pepper, and cook for 1 minute on low to medium flame, then add water, and milk and mix well so that there are no lumps & then add hp sauce mix well, keep aside.

    3: heat a grill pan with oil 2 tbsp and cook the steaks for 7 to 8 minutes, on medium flame.

    4: melt butter add the boiled vegetables, salt, and black pepper, and cook for 2 minutes on high flame.

    5: heat the sizzler plate with 1 tbsp oil, place the onion rings, and caramelize it on high flame.

    6: now add the steaks, mashed potato, vegetables, and sauce.

    7: serve hot and enjoy.

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