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1: gram flour 1 cup

2: ghee 1 cup

3: oil 1 cup

4: sugar 2 cups

5: water 1/2 cup

6: large greased tin







    1: in a pan melt the ghee and butter make it hot on medium flame, once gets hot bring the flame on low to keep it hot.

    2: add hot ghee 1 large tbs spoon in the gram flour mix well, then sieve and keep a side.

    3: in a large pan add sugar, water and cook on medium flame till  it is 1 thread consistency.

    4: now bring the flame to high and add the gram flour slowly and keep stirring so that they are no lumps.

    5: then add the heated ghee slowly & keep stirring till the ghee starts to leave the mixture and gets frothy. (will not need all of the ghee).

    5: transfer the hot mixture in the greased tin and leave it to cool for 10 minutes.

    6: after 10 minutes cut in pieces.

    7: enjoy.


    By Faiza Zarif

    (Cook With Faiza)



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