Custard Seviyan Recipe
1: ghee 1 & 1/2 tsp (clarified butter)
2: Seviyan 1 cup (Vermicelli)
3: milk 8 cups
4: sugar 1/2 cup
5: vanilla custard 2 & 1/2 tbsp (mixed with) milk 1/2 cup
To Serve:
1: Chia Seeds (tukh malanga) 3 tbsp heaped (soaked in water to 20 minutes)(Basil Seeds or sabja seeds)
2: anar (pomegranate) as much as required
3: mix fruit cocktail 2 cans (415g)
4: banana 2 large
5: almonds and pistachios 30 each (sliced)
6: glazed cherries 10
7: tutti frutti 3 tbsp
Custard Seviyan Recipe
1: heat the ghee add the seviyan and roast till gets golden on medium to high flame.
2: add milk, sugar mix and cook till the seviyan gets soft on low to medium flame.
3: now add the mixture on custard mix and cook on low flame till gets thick but not too thick, leave to cool.
4: to serve you can use fancy glass or dish.
5: in a glass add tukH malanga, seviyan mixture, anar, fruit cocktail, banana, almonds, pistachios, glazed cherries, seviyan, nuts, anar, fruit, cherry.
6: serve chillied.